Our fonder who was cosmetic corporation R&D researcher in S.Korea
visited his sister's home in Washington state.
When he saw her for the first time in several years,
he was very surprised to see that her skin had become rough and dull
due to a different environment and lack of time because of taking care of her children.
Also, She was not able to take good care of her skin at a very expensive skincare shop cost.
So he decided to make products for his family that could easily care for at home
based on Korean spa skincare routines.
Our brand started to help a woman & his family,
but now we want to help every woman & everyone's family.
Our fonder who was cosmetic corporation R&D researcher in S.Korea
visited his sister's home in Washington state.
When he saw her for the first time in several years,
he was very surprised to see that her skin had become rough and dull
due to a different environment and lack of time because of taking care of her children.
Also, She was not able to take good care of her skin at a very expensive skincare shop cost.
So he decided to make products for his family that could easily care for at home
based on Korean spa skincare routines.
Our brand started to help a woman & his family,
but now we want to help every woman & everyone's family.
Relaxing & Refreshing moment
스킨케어는 귀찮은것이 아닌 쉽고 마음이 편해지는 시간이었으면 합니다.
꼭 비싼 스파를 가지 않아도 누구나, 하루 한 번, 일주일에 한 번은
좋은 향과 텍스처로 기분 좋은 순간을 갖길 바랍니다.
We hope everyone can have a relaxing time at home
by having a easy-skin spa treatment once a day or once a week.
During our ritual,
we want everyone to feel refreshed and comfortable
in both your skin and mind with our scents and textures.
Easy & Relaxing
스킨케어는 귀찮은 것이 아닌
쉽고 마음이 편해지는 시간이었으면 합니다.
꼭 비싼 스파를 가지 않아도 누구나, 하루 한 번, 일주일에 한 번은
좋은 향과 텍스처로 기분 좋은 시간을 갖길 바랍니다.
We hope everyone can have a relaxing time at home
by having a easy-skin spa treatment once a day or once a week.
During our ritual,
we want everyone to feel refreshed and comfortable
in both your skin and mind with our scents and textures.
오랜기간 축적된 한국만의 피부 관리법에 기초하여
페이셜 스파를 위한 가장 쉽고 적절한 단계만 제안합니다.
각질제거,보습,영양공급의 3단계만으로
집에서 완벽한 페이셜 스파 케어를 할 수 있습니다.
Based on Korea's unique skin care method,
We suggest only the easiest and most appropriate steps for a easy-skin spa at home.
You can get perfect facial spa care at home
with just three steps: exfoliating, moisturizing, and nourishing.
오랜기간 축적된 한국만의 피부 관리법에 기초하여
페이셜 홈스파를 위한 가장 쉽고 적절한 단계만 제안합니다.
각질제거,보습,영양공급의 3단계만으로도
집에서 충분히 페이셜 스파 케어를 할 수 있습니다.
Based on Korea's unique skin care method,
We suggest only the easiest and most appropriate steps for a easy-skin spa at home.
You can get sufficient facial spa care at home
with just three steps: exfoliating, moisturizing,
and nourishing.
환경을 위한 더마윤의 철학은 '불필요한 제품은 만들지 않는다' 입니다.
오직 판매만을 위하여 피부에 꼭 필요하지 않는 제품까지 만들기 보다 피부에 필요한 핵심 제품만을
지속 가능한 방식으로 생산하며 근본적인 지속가능성에 대하여 생각합니다.
Derma Yoon's philosophy for the sustainability is
'We do not make unnecessary products'.
Derma Yoon only produces core products that are really necessary for the skin
in as sustainable a way as possible and thinks about fundamental sustainability.
환경을 위한 더마윤의 철학은 '불필요한 제품은 만들지 않는다' 입니다.
오직 판매만을 위하여 만들기 보다
피부에 필요한 핵심 제품만을 지속 가능한 방식으로 생산하며
근본적인 지속가능성에 대하여 생각합니다.
Derma Yoon's philosophy for the sustainability is
'We do not make unnecessary products'.
Derma Yoon only produces core products that are really necessary for the skin
in as sustainable a way as possible and thinks about fundamental sustainability.